Get the techniques, processes and shortcuts to build a rock solid foundation in copywriting, so you can tackle any copywriting project with confidence and ease.
While you wait, get a program sampler – absolutely free PLUS first dibs on an early bird launch bonus.
Get the techniques, processes and shortcuts to build a rock solid foundation in copywriting, so you can tackle any copywriting project with confidence and ease.
While you wait, get a program sampler – absolutely free PLUS first dibs on an early bird launch bonus.
No more staring at a blank screen, second-guessing every word or wasting time searching for answers. Now, you’ve got the ultimate copywriting bible to guide you on writing any kind of copy, from start to finish.
Say goodbye to that wave of adrenaline when you deliver copy to a client. You can confidently explain why you wrote it the way you did, because there’s a structure behind your writing and a technique to your words.
Ever hesitated to call yourself a copywriter, increase your rates or go for that big client, because it feels like you’re missing some critical piece of expertise? Now, you’ll feel confident talking with clients, whether you’re explaining how you constructed the copy or suggesting new messaging strategies.
You feel proud to show off your copywriting portfolio — yes, you’ll actually have writing samples in it! And you’ll be ready to publish your badge and certificate of completion, so you can show proof of your copy chops to the whole world!
“Before this course, I felt like I had pockets of copywriting knowledge. I knew about some of the pieces and bits that go into creating copy. Dots, if you will. But I didn’t know what to do with them or how to make sense of them.
With The Copywriting Inkubator, I was able to more clearly identify the purpose of each of those dots and put them together in a way that makes sense. Before, I felt very lost, confused, and overwhelmed. And imposter syndrome was screaming at me to give it all up and just stick it out at my old job that was safe but unfulfilling.
Now, while I do still occasionally catch a whiff of imposter syndrome and fear that I don’t know what I’m doing, I know if I utilize the systems learned in the course, I can successfully make this my new career and can only continue to grow and improve as a copywriter.
I have gained an actual love and appreciation for the work and confidence in my skills in this profession.”
Have a Word Copywriting
If I compare where I’m at now to where I was when I first joined, the Ink I’m not just in a place where I can write copy. I’m in a place where I can help to educate my clients on what might be needed for their business. I’m in a place where I can feel totally confident in the copy I’m producing and the calibre of it, the quality of it, and the fact that I can charge for it. I also now have a portfolio of projects I’ve written as part of The Ink that I can send to clients to showcase my abilities. And I think the cherry on top is I now have a network of talented copywriting friends that I can bounce off and collaborate with whenever needed.
You’ve always had a knack for language.
A way with words.
But now that you’ve discovered copywriting is a lucrative, fulfilling way to turn your love of writing into your dream life…
You’re second-guessing every word.
Because you’re not actually sure how to write copy that sells.
Not on a fluke but on every single project.
You’re running on instinct and inspiration.
And you’re not alone.
The more we learn about copywriting, the more we discover how much we don’t know.
Every step forward seems to bring another dozen questions that send us back to Google.
Yet every search feels like another browser tab of proof that we are in over our heads. Because instead of clarity you are inundated with 590,000,000 results — the chaos of copywriting content.
And you’ve got no clue how to sort, filter or curate that information, so it helps you…
What if I told you that 80% of writing great copy is down to technique and process, with just a sprinkling of creativity?
What if you had a copywriting blueprint and the knowhow to use it for every single project?
What if you could bring order to the chaos of copywriting content?
When you know the framework for writing a website page, brochure, email or ad and you understand how to hone in on the messages that matter, you can write copy that commands attention and action (just like copywriters at the top of their game).
And you will write it quickly.
Sitting down to write your next copywriting project with a plan.
You know where to begin and how.
You know which information to put on the page to empower and motivate the reader and which to leave out.
You know when to stop writing and hand it over for client feedback.
No one’s first draft is perfect. But you can get it pretty damned close.
On any copywriting project. Every time.
Just like the pros do.
A 12-week coaching program that gives you a rock-solid foundation in copywriting: the technical skills and processes you need to deliver outstanding copy, on every project.
But The Copywriting Inkubator is so much more than lessons about copywriting.
The Copywriting Inkubator is thoughtfully crafted to simplify the knowledge you need to learn, the structure to apply it to real life copywriting projects, with the coaching and feedback you need to uplevel your skills past “fine” and into “OMG-this-is-amazeballs”.
You’ll get everything you need (and more) to build a rock-solid foundation in copywriting. You’ll even walk away with a badge and certificate of completion you can show off to the world (and impress future clients with).
During each live call, we’ll go through completed worksheets, tackle common challenges and answer your questions as a group. I’ll be there to guide, nurture and give feedback as much (or as little) as you need. Graduates often tell me the coaching element alone is worth far more than the cost students pay for the course.
The modules have been organised around the building blocks of copywriting and will be your cure for the chaos of copywriting content. Each module builds on the last, so you have a clear learning path that lays out a strong foundation.
You’ll get a deep-dive into 128 copywriting techniques explained with easy-to-remember tips, jargon-busting explanations, and 105 examples from brands around the world. The lessons also come with extra resources like handy cheatsheets and extra guides you can use for client projects.
While each lesson is a standalone PDF, you’ll also get a video in case you happen to be a visual learner. Each video is just 15-20 minutes, so you can learn in bite-size chunks that easily fit into your life, because you don’t always have time to watch a 2-hr training.
Put what you’re learning into practice and get personalised feedback from yours truly. The assignments challenge you, so you can build your copywriting muscles, and graduates have called my feedback “gold”—even when it was provided to another student.
The blueprints for putting all your newly learned copywriting techniques together. Each masterclass will provide you an in-depth deep dive into the copy construction process for common copywriting projects like websites, email sequences, brochures and more.
Practise combining multiple copywriting techniques together on common copywriting projects. You’ll be able to put your copy construction skills to work, and walk away with actual pieces you can use in your real copywriting portfolio.
Plus searchable resources, swipe files, checklists, and a course podcast. So you can build your ultimate copywriting bible.
Once you join, I’ll send you a program sampler with an exclusive preview of a lesson and the related coaching call.
” I have taken on projects that I might not otherwise have (said yes to) before the program.
And I’ve also charged a lot more than if I had not done the program, again, because I just had the confidence that I do know what I’m doing and I can offer a great service.”
“The Inkubator was definitely worth the investment in time and in money.
I’ve taken a bunch of other courses, some I finished, some I haven’t finished. But none of them gave me the confidence that I now have.”
“I am such a cynic when it comes to being convinced to part with my time, my money, my energy for any reason.
And I would pay it again and spend the time on it again in a heartbeat. For what it’s done, not just for me, but for my business. It’s more than paid for itself.”
“The live editing was worth the cost of the course alone! So valuable to see Belinda editing our work in real time. Cannot praise this aspect highly enough.”
“If you’re sitting on the fence about jumping into the Copywriting Inkubator, I was, too! I had my eye on this program for a while before investing in it – and I wish I had done it sooner.
While the investment seemed hefty upfront it was invaluable in terms of the quality of content and learning materials, the coaching calls and access to Belinda, as well as sharing the journey with a group of peers while laying stronger copywriting foundations for myself.
If you resonate with Belinda’s style and the way she shows up online or in-person and you’re looking for a practical skills-based copywriting course – pick this one.”
“The Inkubator is an investment in your business but also in yourself. It goes beyond just writing skills. It helps you learn to accept feedback, overcome imposter syndrome, grow your confidence, and succeed.”
“You feel like you’ve got your own personal cheer squad and she really wants us all to succeed, which is just amazing.
Like for a lot of people it’s a job and they’re happy to see their students progress, but I really got the sense of Belinda getting some real joy out of that.
I think I’ve earned it [the investment] back already in a project that I’m starting next week.”
I help aspiring and working copywriters supercharge their income, create financial stability, and avoid career burnout. Because when you have the chops to command higher rates, you can work less and enjoy more time, freedom, and career fulfilment.
More than 200 copywriters have taken my big course (the precursor to The Inkubator) and along with my private coaching group, Confident Copywriting, I’ve helped copywriters achieve results like:
I’m not a fly-by-night-written-a-few-emails-and-decided-to-teach kind of copywriter. Before I became a copy coach, I spent 10+ years as a successful and in-demand freelance copywriter writing for 196 different businesses on projects ranging from search engine friendly website copy, print advertising and brochures to sales pages and email sequences.
The point is that I’ve had a lot of variety come across my keyboard and I’ve learned and employed the best copywriting techniques to get attention, create a connection and drive action.
And that’s what I’ll teach you.
I help aspiring and working copywriters supercharge their income, create financial stability, and avoid career burnout. Because when you have the chops to command higher rates, you can work less and enjoy more time, freedom, and career fulfilment.
More than 200 copywriters have taken my big course (the precursor to The Inkubator) and along with my private coaching group, Confident Copywriting, I’ve helped copywriters achieve results like:
I’m not a fly-by-night-written-a-few-emails-and-decided-to-teach kind of copywriter. Before I became a copy coach, I spent 10+ years as a successful and in-demand freelance copywriter writing for 196 different businesses on projects ranging from search engine friendly website copy, print advertising and brochures to sales pages and email sequences.
The point is that I’ve had a lot of variety come across my keyboard and I’ve learned and employed the best copywriting techniques to get attention, create a connection and drive action.
And that’s what I’ll teach you.
You are ready for the basics so you can lay the groundwork to get your copywriting career off on the right foot.
You want to be the best copywriter you possibly can be, which means skipping the fumbling and frustration of the trial and error learning process.
You want to make sure you’re on your game when it comes to the copy side so you have the confidence to charge the big bucks.
The Copywriting Inkubator is your fast pass to the technical skills you need to deliver high-quality copy on any copywriting project, starting with the very first one.
You’ve been writing based on instinct and inspiration, but now you want to refine your skills and improve your processes, so you can justify charging higher rates (even if it’s only to yourself).
You’re done compiling your copy education through a bunch of blogs and books, and want to build your own vault of expert-approved copy knowledge.
You are struggling with imposter syndrome, wishing you felt more sure of yourself, but you’re tired of feeling like you ought to “know better by now”.
You are ready to level up in your copywriting career, and you want access to the secrets that the upper crust of copywriters already seem to know.
The Copywriting Inkubator will fill in the gaps to reset your foundation and give you the shortcuts you need to quickly and consistently produce high-quality copy you can charge more for.
“Before I joined The Inkubator, the idea of taking on a copywriting project I felt kind of frazzled about that, or I felt that I was just gonna end up spinning my wheels and not really have a process to efficiently get through the project. And I think I also worried about just staring at a blank page and you know, not being able to work efficiently or even meet a deadline.
And then now after going through The Inkubator, I have a process for those things.
So even while I may still be developing my skills and systems as it relates to efficiency, I still have a way that I can confidently work through the project.
And I think other ways that things have improved for me after doing the program is that I have taken on projects that I might not otherwise have before the program, and I’ve also charged a lot more than if I had not done the program, again, because I just had the confidence that I do know what I’m doing and I can offer a great service for people and lots of value.”
Whether you’re an aspiring copywriter who hasn’t written your first word of copy yet…
Or a working copywriter who’s ready to graduate from writing on instinct…
The Copywriting Inkubator was made for you!
Each module will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to get started with copy.
Each worksheet will provide you the practice space to refine your approach and improve your skills.
Each coaching call will provide you the feedback to accelerate your writing processes.
Once you join, I’ll send you a program sampler with an exclusive preview of a lesson and the related coaching call.
Get Heard
By far the most valuable part of the course has been the coaching and mentoring. What I thought I was buying was a copywriting technical skills course. What I got was all that PLUS incredibly valuable personal mentoring for my new copywriting career.
With Belinda’s mentoring (and knowledge-bombs from her Hot Copy Podcast), I was able to launch my copywriting business with solid project processes and the foundations of how to manage clients. This knowledge alone has probably saved me weeks or months of fumbling and frustration.
Don’t underestimate the value you’ll get from the personal coaching. The coaching element alone is worth far more than the cost students pay for the course.
Jennifer Goss Duby Writer
“A lot of stuff you can learn online, but I needed somebody to kind of put it together in a cohesive way. But, especially in the writing world, you see a lot of people who are about tearing people down, and I’m really opposed to that. I don’t think there’s any need for that. People don’t learn in a negative environment. There’s no value to being brutal.
I learn best in a structured learning environment that has a lot of support. So I’m always looking for people who are about raising everybody up. Meeting the writer where they’re at, giving them the skills and the tools and the confidence to take that next step. That was the vibe that I got from Belinda and it was completely true to who she is in real life.
It’s one thing to be positive and it’s one thing to give feedback, but to give feedback that’s really valuable, constructive and actionable in a positive way. I think that’s where the value is. ”
Louise Fowen Copywriter
“I kept thinking I’d really like to do [CMC], but I think the cost was holding me back. Not that I felt that it wasn’t worth what it was. It was just at the time it was too much for me. So every time it came out, I kept thinking, ‘this could be the thing that I’m missing’.
Eventually, I decided to take the plunge, because I thought I need to do this to move forward. And it definitely helped having a payment plan to make it more affordable.
Now, I’m definitely much more confident. I know I’ve got a kind of bank of information that I’m constantly flipping back into the lessons all the time. I am definitely writing a lot faster. And I feel more confident when I’m talking to clients as well. I can suggest ideas and actually give them reasons why I’ve phrased something a certain way.
[CMC] definitely made a big difference to me. It’s definitely worth every penny! Just the fact that I’ve got this now for life to go and dip into is just brilliant!”
“When I joined the Copywriting Master Class, I was a very new copywriting business owner and knew there was so much I didn’t know. I had a few books on the shelf and a load of enthusiasm, but I needed specific skills training.
Belinda’s sense of humor and down-to-earth style were what hooked me in for sure. She was approachable and ready to share so much valuable information – I jumped in with both feet and I am so glad I did.
Yes, it was pricey for me at the time, but an important investment in the success of my business. The monthly coaching calls and the easy access to Belinda and the others in my cohort have been worth the investment alone.
So freaking awesome to be able to throw out a question and get so much valuable support. Thanks, Belinda! You’re the best!”
Bianca Haigh Copywriting
“I wanted to learn to write compelling copy, efficiently. I also needed to develop confidence in my writing, and to be able to justify the choices made to keep good copy when it’s at risk of being edited to death.
Not having done something like this before, I wasn’t sure whether it would be worth the investment = it was absolutely worth the investment, so in hindsight I would have enrolled a lot sooner if I had known how valuable the course would be.
Being part of the community of others who have gone through the course is reassuring and empowering = real people making a real success out of their copywriting (with real challenges) – makes success feel more attainable.
Would I recommend this course? Absolutely!”
These are video testimonials from my Copywriting Master Class, the precursor to The Inkubator. While they talk about a different product, the coaching experience will be the same. In fact, I think it will be better.
The live experience will open on Feb 16 to start on Feb 27.
While you wait, I’ll send you a program sampler – absolutely free – with an exclusive preview of a lesson and the related coaching call.
PLUS first dibs on an early bird launch bonus released in June!
Oh! You’re at the bottom of the page!
Images of Belinda by In Her Image Photography.
Let us know if you see any missing content, weird bugs, or just have general feedback about the new site design!