I’m a massive Dr Who fan.
The perfect colour of tea is PANTONE 16-1439. FACT.
I own a cape. For reals.
I will tell you I love you before you’re ready.
I’m learning to play the ukulele.
I’m embracing the salt and peppers in my ginger mop.
And yes, gingers do go grey.
I will shush everyone if there is a hummingbird nearby.
I love cosy murder TV and always forget who dunnit (which makes it easy to rewatch).
When I walk around with my headphones on, I imagine I’m in my own music video.
I own a lot of jumpsuits.
I’m a really good hugger.
I tap my keyboard way too hard.
I love crunchy things. But not when it comes to bacon.
Americans murder bacon.
I am obsessed with all things Japanese.
I have several tattoos and you’ll only see some of them on Zoom.
I’m a hopeless romantic.
I’m also an optimist.
I swear. A lot.
The more excited I get, the louder I talk (which can make the swearing all the more inappropriate).
Are we friends now?
Oh yeah, one more thing.
I believe in you and will do everything I can to make you believe in yourself.