Spark the next iteration of your business.

A 6-month mastermind for copywriters who are committed to stepping into a bigger space and better life.

We start in July 2024 and I'd love you to be there.

A woman in a grey coat is standing in front of a cloud.

There comes a moment in every copywriter’s business life when we ask… “Is this it?”

Maybe you’ve asked yourself that question.

I know I have. Many times.

I’ve asked it when I’ve felt lost, stuck and uncertain about what the future holds. When it feels like my heart just isn’t it anymore. In those moments, life seems more chaotic and overwhelming, like I’m being buffeted by strong winds without a tether.

That’s when my inner critic sometimes pipes up with unhelpful suggestions about chucking it all in and becoming a beekeeper.

I’ve learned that in those moments, I am not being called to quit.

I’m being called to change

To step up and out. To recalibrate and reform. I’ve simply outgrown what I have created.

Every next level of your life will demand a different you.

As will the next level of your business.


The CEO Catalyst

A 6-month mastermind for copywriters who are committed to stepping into a bigger space and better life.

And do it all with confidence.

Many masterminds will sell you a framework on how to make more money in less time. And while those money stories are sexy as hell, I suspect you might want more than money alone. 

You want what the money makes possible.

Creative pursuits. Regular travel. Lazy days with nowhere to be and nothing to do. Laughter and fun without the shadow of work looming. 

The CEO Catalyst will help and guide you as you reshape your copywriting business into a fulfilling venture that makes your lifestyle goals a reality.

A woman in a denim jacket sitting at a bar.

Krista Walsh

Krista Walsh Copywriting

“It’s this perfect mix of consulting and coaching. Belinda helps me to think, but she also gets specific and provides tangible steps and strategies when I need them.

It’s this blend that helps to avoid the trap of vagueness that many programs fall into, providing both mindset support and concrete advice.

I’ve made more progress in this mastermind than in any other group program I’ve been a part of. I feel like I have a clear plan for reaching my specific financial and lifestyle goals.

It really feels like I’ve also lowkey got you [Belinda] as a business consultant with the Slack, Voxer, and Strategy Pit Stops elements — a super duper steal for the price of the mastermind.”

What’s possible for you? Everything!

New career heights. More visibility. More authority. More respect. Yassssss.

More money coming in. We’re talking about a stable income along with adding some big money-makers to your stack. 

More joy and ease. Aligning and streamlining your work so you’re excited to get stuck in every day and able to disconnect each night. 

I’m all in with a HELL YES to dreaming big, but the catalyst for making them happen is creating a business roadmap anchored in the bigger vision for your life. 

It all starts with a clear understanding of what (and who) all this work is for. And spoiler: your vision doesn’t have to change the world. It can just change your world.

Perhaps your dream is to have stress and guilt-free time to write your book.


…To be location-independent for extended travel. 

…To stop doing All. The. Work. and start enjoying LIFE.

…Or a shift in your role. From writer to strategist (and the rate hike that goes with it).

These are just some of the scenarios copywriters wanted to make real when they joined the CEO Catalyst Mastermind. 

What they got was alignment, direction and certainty on how to make it happen. 

And from that space they: 

Oh, and they got a kick up the bum to take more time off.

“Husband and daughter swimming. And you know what I didn't do? Work 😏 😏 😏”
A woman wearing a black shirt.
Kerry Campion de Santiago

A catalyst moment unleashes hidden potential and sparks transformation.

Are you ready for yours?

A woman sitting on a dock next to a body of water.

Kerry Campion de Santago

God Save The Serp

Read how Kerry unlocked a profitable, scalable and sustainable business and got her life back.

“I finally felt able and ready to create a business that actually worked for the lifestyle that I wanted.” 

Read how Branda went from fatigue to flourishing: tripling her rates while working fewer hours

“I didn’t have to double my work to make more money. I also have a very different mindset around bringing in clients and how I work with them.

Thanks to Belinda, I’ve implemented significant changes, especially in how I value my services. I doubt I would’ve had the courage to adjust my rates as needed without her support.”

Copywriter, Brand Villacob

Branda Villacob

The CEO Catalyst is perfect for you if...

You're a wall hitter in need of clarity

You might be trying on different business models, looking for “the one” that fits. Your head is full of ideas, but not many are seeing the light of day. You’re stuck in a bubble of inaction (and maybe some self-sabotage) because you’re not sure what the next best step is.

You’re looking for the relief that comes from clarity, certainty and guidance, and the support to move forward.

"Before I came into this, I had no idea what I wanted, where I needed to go, or how I could even improve where I was at.

But I feel like you truly rewired my thinking about what my time and skill is worth - and that my idea of success doesn't have to focus on my business...but the life I want to build!"
Copywriter, Brand Villacob
Branda Villacob

You're a wheel spinner in need of balance

You’re working hard and your business looks successful, but you’re walking around in zombie state. New ideas excite you, but your to-do list is (barely) organised chaos, and you’re drowning in work. The idea of launching something new feels impossible. As does taking a break. Your big vision of freedom seems further away than ever. 

You’re looking for control, clarity and a sense of calm that comes from healthy, sustainable business practices and a CEO mindset. Because that’s when you’ll have the space to think.

“I’m seeing my business from the OUTSIDE for the first time in a long time… it was very liberating to just see GSTS as an asset that brings in money rather than all this BS in the online world today about your "purpose".

I definitely feel more comfortable about outsourcing, growing the team and taking a big step back so I can just go live my life.
A woman wearing a black shirt.
Kerry Campion de Santiago

You're a visionary in need of a plan

You have worked hard to build your business, but the way it is right now isn’t where your heart is. Whether you have a different vision in mind or you’re searching for the next step, your current systems have you feeling stuck in place. 

You’re looking for recalibration with some boots-on-the-ground support to help you make some big changes.

“I've made more progress in this mastermind than in any other group program I've been a part of. I feel like I have a clear plan for reaching my specific financial and lifestyle goal.

It really feels like I've also lowkey got you as a business consultant with the Slack, Voxer, and Strategy Pit Stops elements — a super duper steal for the price of the mastermind.”
A woman in a denim jacket sitting at a bar.
Krista Walsh
A woman in a denim jacket sitting at a bar.

Krista Walsh

Krista Walsh Copywriting

Read how Krista navigated freelancer uncertainty and built a thriving marketing agency

“I began to see the bigger picture and create a long-term vision for my business. I’m moving away from doing all the work myself to managing the business, which is something I’ve grown to love. 

But I’ve transformed not just my business but also myself

I’m happier, more effective in my work, and better at communicating. I have a clear direction and a plan, and the community in the Mastermind has been crucial to this journey.”

Read how Cassie set herself up for success beyond 6-figures (without overwhelm and burnout)

“It really didn’t come as a surprise, but the support and great insights everyone brings to the table has been wonderful. I expected that the group would be supportive and resourceful, but expectations have been surpassed.”

Copywriter, Cassie Paton

Cassie Paton

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life”

— Amy Poehler

We all need people who believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. Cheerleaders who push open the doors to what’s possible. 

A Mastermind is a curated group of like-minded business owners who meet regularly and ask each other for advice, resources, ideas, accountability and support. 

Each person benefits from the collective wisdom of the group, allowing them to grow faster by seeing what’s working for others while avoiding costly mistakes.

“All of the first sessions of the first month were very eye-opening. I was struggling with where I wanted to take my 2023, but between the audit and roadmap, I clearly now see where I want to be.”
Karen Smith

What you get as part of your CEO Catalyst Mastermind experience

Your four-figure investment gives you 6 months of support including:


The main goals of our time together are:

This is for you if:

This isn't for you if:

“The [Marketing Opportunity] Audit clarified vague questions and worries I’ve had rolling around in my mind for YEARS in one hour. I think it went beyond just “marketing” actually. More like a holistic business audit with how you analyzed my services structure and everything.”

A woman in a denim jacket sitting at a bar.

Krista Walsh

Krista Walsh Copywriting

A woman smiling in front of a book shelf.

Grace Fortune

“Truly, what you’ve given us and shared with us has been transformative.

There was a lot I didn’t know, before I started with you. I feel a lot more comfortable and confident going into it. I’m not afraid to make pivots and shifts when I need to too and when I want to.”

A woman in jeans and a floral kimono.

Hi, I'm Belinda Weaver.

I help copywriters of all levels supercharge their income, create financial stability, and avoid career burnout. 

I’ve helped copywriters achieve results like:

  •  a 372% boost in monthly invoiced billings
  • a 4x jump in monthly revenue
  • and a 66% day rate increase

I love it when copywriters embrace their value with higher price tags but, if we’ve hung out for more than a five minutes you’ll also know that I’m not all about the money.

Don’t get me wrong. I love money but at the end of the day, I don’t want to work through the best bit of my life. Or my kids’ lives.

This mastermind is a flexible blueprint to create a business that fuels your life. I’m creating that for myself and it’s what I want for you too.

The CEO Catalyst is

If you have read this far and feel like this is what you vibe, here’s how you get your invite:

STEP 1: Apply

The first step is to submit an application. It’s an easy breezy form that tells me a little about where you’re at. 

STEP 2: Chat with Belinda

The next step is to have a conversation with me. 

Our chat is as much about understanding whether the mastermind is the right fit for you as it is about confirming that you’re the right fit for this round.

I want to make time to answer any questions you might have, get to know you a bit more and ask you any questions I have about your situation.

STEP 3: Accept your invitation

If you’re a good fit, I’ll contact you and invite you to start with us in July 2024!


This is a four-figure investment. You can either pay upfront or spread it out over six monthly payments.

The CEO Catalyst meets for three weeks out of every month, for a total of six months.

January – June

July – December

Most sessions are 90 minutes long, except for our co-working/implementation zones which are longer.

While a traditional mastermind is purely hot seats and discussion, I’ve added a little more direction and focus to our discussions. The first two months are more directed, and the months that follow will see us focus on the areas the group needs to work on (which may be different for each group).

It’s a nice balance of structure and flexibility.

Yes, I do! But it’s really more ideas to noodle and reflect on to help you shift into a CEO mindset.

It will depend on where everyone lives. I would never ask you to get up in the middle of the night for CEO Catalyst calls, so the calls are on Thursdays** at:

11:30am PT (San Fran) // 3:30pm ET (New York) // 7:30pm GMT (London)

If the group is split between hemispheres, I’ll host a second call.

** Subject to change

The Slack group is where you can ask for help and get the whole crew on the case. You also have DM/voice note support from me (Belinda) when you need it. This is like your own Belinda-Batphone when you’re feeling a bit vulnerable or want to brainstorm some ideas.

We have a blind date two weeks before the start of each CEO Catalyst. This is when you will meet the other copywriters in the mastermind. I like to do these before we start so we can dig right into the juicy stuff in the first session.

Yes! In addition to the support in Slack and the unlimited voice/DM support, you get a 30 mins strategy session with me. 

We do this half way through the mastermind to ensure you’re on track and have a clear plan for the remainder of our time together.

Have Some Feedback?

Let us know if you see any missing content, weird bugs, or just have general feedback about the new site design!