Planning challenge: 3 words to guide my business in 2016

Don't get stuck going sideways in 2016.

While I was lazily enjoying the aftermath of Christmas, completely in holiday mode, I began to think about 2016. I was enjoying my time off too much to consider any serious planning, but I pondered what I wanted my year to be like.

I listen to a podcast called Happier (hosted by Gretchen Rubin), and she suggests choosing a one-word theme to give each year some focus.

I found choosing one word a bit hard—I was still on holidays remember—so I chose three words, because life has different facets, right? There’s business, family, my personal life and more, and one word . . . well, it just didn’t seem enough.

I don’t go in for New Year’s resolutions as a rule, but choosing some words for the year? Well, that seems more like picking a theme tune, and I dig that idea.

So, in this post I want to share my three words with you, with some explanation of why I chose them.


This was one of my themes last year. I didn’t go through this exercise last year, but learning and practising mindfulness was definitely a focus in 2015.

I really needed it because working around a toddler is tough. Nevertheless, I ran my Copywriting Master Class twice, and I launched the Hot Copy podcast with Kate Toon. W00T! And that’s just for starters. But it was tough not to think about work when I was with my toddler and tough not to feel a bit guilty when I was working (instead of playing trains for the third straight hour).

Enter mindfulness: a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment.

A regular meditation practise has helped me learn to focus and be more present in the moment. When I’m not working, I deliberately don’t think about work, and when I am working, I try not to let myself get distracted by e-mail and social media or the dishes in the sink. (That last one is obviously easier to ignore).

This practice is going to continue this year. I’m going to keep working on it because the payoff is massive—more happiness. I feel happier and less conflicted when I am more present in each moment.


Yes, progress! This year I want to make progress!

It sounds obvious and it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good choice.

Last year, I achieved stuff (see under mindfulness), but I really just continued what I had been doing. I had exciting ideas that never even got close to being realized. I often wrote notes and gave myself a deadline but then took some reality pills and realised that it just wasn’t going to happen.

Challenging myself is good, but when I set unrealistic goals, I end up feeling like a failure. The happiness rating goes way down.

2016 is the year:

  • I’m launching my sellout copywriting course again on February 24, split into two versions: a premium version and new basic version. Then I’m taking it off the table for a little while.
  • I’m launching a copywriter’s handbook to writing headlines to hook people in. Headline writing? Really? Yes! But it’s not your quick-tips or your read-it-all-before kind of book. This is a 30+ page handbook that explains my proven five-step process for writing headlines and that will include a freaking massive headline swipe file for inspiration. This is how I teach my Copywriting Master Class students how it’s done, and I intend to share it with the world.
  • I’m creating and launching a program for copywriters who want a blueprint for running a successful business as a freelance copywriter. It will be a very small class with a backstage pass to how I built my business and lots of hands on coaching from me. I’m super excited about this as it’s something I get asked about all the time.

Kate and I are going to run a Hot Copy event in Australia, and it’s possibly going to be the launch of something very cool.

I am really excited.

In order to make this amazing progress, I need to stay focused. I need to be an excellent manager of my tasks, giving time to the tasks that will progress my goals and make things happen.

With the word Progress stuck to my wall, I will be reminded to stop faffing about and to get shit done.


This feels a bit like the tired old resolutions of ‘losing weight’ and ‘getting fit’, but that’s not what I mean. I neglected my health last year. While making sure everyone else was fed and healthy, I skipped meals and stopped exercising. Not that I’m blaming my family. Okay, clearly I am!

The truth is, I got lazy.

This year, I’m going to put more effort into making regular meals and healthier food choices. (I find that my laziness results in really awful food choices, if I eat at all.) I need to choose better fuel for my engine.

I am also going to make time to exercise, like, actually breaking a sweat.

I walk every day, but I walk with a toddler. I’m not sure it’s even fast enough to be called walking. We stroll. My heart doesn’t even roll over, let alone beat a bit faster.

I’m not committing to a half marathon or doing 1000 sit ups a day. I am simply going to make time to break a sweat each week.

I challenge you to do the same!

These are my three words. The might seem predictable, and they aren’t fancy. They are meaningful to me, and I’m going to use them to keep my butt focused and moving forward in 2016!

So now I want to know, have you done this kind of exercise? If you haven’t, will you?

Share your words in the comments!

The Copy Detective

P.S. If you’re interested in finding out more about my Copywriting Master Class, go here.

12 Responses

  1. Hi Belinda. Love the words you’ve picked for 2016! Thanks for sharing. I’m a big fan of setting a theme or a word for the year ahead. My 2014 word was grateful. My 2015 words were mindful, health and smile. This year I might copy your word Progress. How exciting! Wishing you all the best for you and your family in 2016:)

    1. Mindful was my word on 2014 and that focus has really help me establish some happier habits. I’m so glad I got to share some of your year and hopefully some of 2016!

      The next step of course is working out what progress looks like and chunking it down to make it happen.

      Thanks for stopping in and sharing your themes.

  2. Hi Belinda, I found that post inspirational. I am in the process of setting up my own freelance copywriting business and have spent the past month focussed solely on reading everything I can about the subject (as well as listening to your Hot Copy podcasts!). During that time I may have lost the thread about how I will achieve my goals this year. Stepping back to consider several words to give me that focus is a great idea.

    1. WOO-freaking-HOO Paul! I love a bit of serendipity. And that you’re into Hot Copy. You might just be my new favourite person!

      I’d love to hear your words when you select them. I need to ground my ideas into actionable points (so I actually DO something) so I also encourage you to take the next step and turn your theme words into some tactics that will help keep you on track. My first one was putting the words right in front of me!

  3. I think the mindfulness conundrum is a hard one. Last year I got so enthusiastic about learning. I signed up to heaps of blog newsletters, did a couple of great courses (thanks) and generally tried to suck up as much info as possible.. one of the outcomes was that I was overwhelmed by all this information and feeling bad that I didn’t have time to read it all.

    The inbox got really huge. I’ve decided this year to try and narrow my focus a little. Re-do your course and Kate’s SEO course, make the most of my Copyblogger subscription and listen to a few good podcasts regularly.. and put my head down and write!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    1. Sounds like a good plan Denise. It’s great to take on lots of new knowledge as long as you don’t get lost in it. I’ve got a few little courses I want to do and I’m struggling to find substantial chunks of time but that’s my life and I’m just trying make as much regular time as I can. And be kind to myself in amongst it all. That’s important too.

      Thanks for stopping in!

  4. I chose FREEDOM for my 2016 word but since you’ve asked for 3, here are they are:

    FREEDOM – from my obsession with money and freedom to be myself and do what I want to do, which is write full-time (and in turn relieve my money woes).

    FOWARD – to move forward with my writing goals. More clients, more writing commissions, more novel writing and more investments (Masterclass maybe?)

    FUN – I get so bogged down with stress and worry (yep, about money) that I don’t always have much fun. And my 10-year-old son doesn’t get much because of it. 2016 is my year to say, EFF IT, I’m going to have fun!!

    Yes, I have an F theme going on. I could add one more word…Nah, I won’t.

    1. I love your reasoning Jennifer.

      Fun is a great word to choose. I have the same challenge, of packing my available time with work and then realising that I’m not leaving time for fun. It’s important! The years don’t seem to take as long these days and I don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted one.

      Good luck with your quest! Maybe we’ll see more of each other in the Master Class! 😀

  5. Thanks Belinda. So, as it seems trendy to go with a trilogy of themes, I am going with:

    BELIEF – this is a totally new venture for me and, although I have years of experience writing, this is a daunting experience. On those days I have doubts about my abilities or being able to find customers I simply need to remind myself that I can do this.

    FREEDOM – I guess like any freelancers, I want to take control of my destiny. After 25 years of working in companies where I’ve been subject to redundancies, pay freezes, poor management and other issues outside of my control, this word is probably what will be my main driver in 2016.

    BALANCE – Finding that balance between work, family and time for myself. Until now, work has always taken priority, resulting in insufficient quality time with my family and no time for me.

  6. Brilliant as ever Bill 🙂 Astonishingly, I managed to come up with just one word: Consistency.

    Although that sounds like I’m talking about bechamel sauce, for me it means steadily moving forward towards the goals I’ve set myself. Without ducking out and making excuses.

    Re: breaking a sweat, I can totally recommend swimming! It’s my class A endorphin drug of choice. 🙂

    I have no doubt that you’ll achieve what you’ve set yourself for the year ahead, I’ll be cheering from the sidelines!

    Mel x

    1. One word? Res-pect to you! Sounds like you’re keeping your eye on the prize and I love that.

      Swimming. Really not my thing. I’ve tried it a few times and I just get bored in a way that I don’t when I’m running. Probably because I’m concentrating on not dying 😉

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