How to show your blog posts a little more SEO loving

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

You’ve written your blog post or web page and you think you’ve been keeping Google in your sights. After all, consistently optimised blogging will help add authority to your website.

At one stage or another you probably got really into your topic (which is awesome) but now you’re not sure if your blog post (or web page) is SEO friendly.

Well, hold on to your keywords. This is going to be good. 

I recently shared how I got to Google’s page#1 for some really high-level keywords. This is a strategy you can employ too, and it’s not as hard as you might think.

This is what I do…

But first… optimisation? What?

Optimisation is the process of editing your copywriting for maximum search engine return. Even with Google’s constant algorithm changes, you still need to give search engines clear signals to work out what your content is about. One of these signals is the most frequently used words on the web page.


Introducing… *drum roll* word clouds.

I’ve talked about Wordle and word cloud tools before but I wanted to mention it again because it’s just that awesome. Wordle is simplicity as its most brilliant and it’s a great tool to help you get a feel for whether or not your optimisation is on track.

It’s a free online tool with a very simple interface. You simply plug some text in and Wordle creates a word cloud with the most frequently used words in a larger font.

Wordle doesn’t consider any of the finesse of SEO copywriting but it will give you a quick indication of whether or not your keyword is hitting those frequency hot spots.

Quick tips about using keywords

1. You don’t have to be exact.

Exact is better but some of the terms people type into search engines are almost impossible to use in a sentence. Use keywords individually (and frequently) and you’ll still be in front.

Never compromise the quality of your copywriting.

The key is …. and this is important so get off Twitter for a minute …. the key is to use your keyword as often as is natural, not as often as possible.

2. Don’t target lots of keywords on one page

If you try to target more than 2-3 keywords on a page, you will confuse Google. You are better to choose 1-2 main keywords to focus on then use other related keywords in the course of your writing.

Keep it simple. Keep it clear.

Learn more SEO copywriting tips

This is kind of jumping into the middle of the optimisation process. If you’d like to step back a little and learn some tips on:

  • Finding the right keywords
  • Finding opportunities to use those keywords
  • When to call ‘time’ on your optimisation

…. then you might be interested in my SEO Writing course.

It’s a 4 part course showing you how to optimise your own business website and blog posts and to create content that is loved by your readers and by search engines.

After going through the course you’ll be able to find your keywords and optimise your website or blog. You’ll also know the trick to writing optimised (SEO) copy without gambling with your brand.

Easy peasy. Find out more and register while you’re there.


7 Responses

  1. Hi Belinda,

    Great post and points on keyword usage. Also important for blog post SEO is internal linking. For each post I normally create 2 links. One to a service/product page, and another to a related blog post. Google views this as a ‘vote’ for the target pages, increasing their ranking power.

    I’ve had success retro-fitting these links to old blog posts when a new service page is created.


    1. Excellent recommendation Chris!

      I try and make time each month to go back through the month’s posts and look for new opportunities to create links. As much as possible anyway! I’ve often written a new post and is relevant to older posts so it’s good to link them together.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Great post….love wordle, am using it a lot more these days for our weekly / bi weekly blog posts and it is working wonderfully.

    The internal links is an excellent point. We are seeing some wonderful analytics coming from our blog back to pages of our site and out store since we started to actively link back around 6 months ago.

    Keywords FTW!

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