A woman holding up a piece of paper.

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Project 52

A Year of Progress, One Week at a Time. 

Where your list meets its match: you.

Stay accountable to your ambitions, every single week.

Stay accountable to your ambitions, every single week.

How is you year going? Do you have a list of incompletes, want-t-dos and never-quite-started projects, tasks and ideas?  

You’re not alone.

We all start the new year buzzed on motivation. But let’s be honest—it doesn’t take long before we’re knee-deep in distractions, buried under family schedules, and juggling last-minute client requests that totally blow up our days.

This relentless loop of planning and—let’s just say it—falling short, doesn’t just put a dent in our progress and causes stress as we try to fit the left tasks into another day, like the worst game of Tetris ever.

It nibbles away at our self-esteem and turns what should be a productive day into a chaotic mess of TikTok oblivion and missed golden opportunities.

But that’s not the half of it.

When I asked copywriters how they felt when they didn’t stick to their plan for the day, week or month I got replies like,

“Guilty, ashamed, annoyed with myself, I feel like a failure, I get frustrated that I can't seem to do things that other people can and I blame myself.”
“Slumpy. Depressed. Down on myself. Like I should give up on the idea of a business.”
“Really low, stressed out, and kicking myself for being so unprofessional.”

That's where Project 52 comes in.

Each week, I’ll email you and ask three simple questions that help you reflect and plan.

Your reply shouldn’t take more than 10 mins and I’ll reply to each email you send.

That’s our contract. And that’s the program. 

I send you an email. You reply. Then, I reply.

In between emails, you spend your time well, because you know you’ve got to report back to me at the end of the week. 

Accountability is at the heart of Project 52 for one simple reason: it works.

It transforms “I’ll do it later” into “I’ve already done it.”

It turns “I can’t” into “I conquered.”

And the best part? 

You’re reporting in a completely private space. It’s just you and me. No judgement. No groups. 

Because it’s one thing to keep tabs on your business for your own tracking. It’s entirely different to report on your business to another human being.

Project 52 is one-year accountability journey that transforms fleeting intentions into tangible actions, helping you stride confidently toward your goals.

It’s cathartic. It's productive.

It works like gangbusters for a number of reasons:

"It's made me realise that I need to be realistic about what I can achieve."

“I feel way more organised going into the new week. I file away my emails and refer back to them on a Sunday evening/Monday morning so I know exactly what’s coming up. 

No more wasting time on a Monday figuring out my priorities for the week. 

And there’s something about writing a stream of consciousness. I know that’s what journaling is for but I like the fact there’s someone at the other end of my email who’s going to reply.

You know, this is basically like work therapy for me! I love it!”

A woman in glasses, smiling, holding a mug at a kitchen table with a notebook beside her.

Jo Faith

Warning: Ticking things off your list may induce feelings such as these

WARNING: Getting sh*t done may induce feelings such as

"Omg I feel amazing! *When* I take the time to plan my week AND I follow through, I am fulfilled, proud and in a good mood to celebrate the weekend. I'm genuinely happier than when I fiddle-fart my way through the week."
“Like there wasn’t anything I couldn’t set my mind to accomplish and succeed in completing.”
"I feel like those images of corporate women: back straight, smart outfit, strong walk, little smile because they know they're crushing it and they have nothing to prove."
Copywriter is smiling with closed eyes against patterned blue background.

Mimi Zhou

"I'm always trying to do the next small step that will move me forward."

“[Project 52] definitely keeps me more focused amidst the chaos of life. Even when things don’t go to plan, it’s nice to pull up my weekly email to know right away what my intentions were. It helps me go back to those intentions easier (or to set different ones if those ones haven’t worked out). 

I also really appreciate some of your nuggets of wisdom–I copy them over into a journal that is always open on my bookshelf so they stay top of mind. “

How do I know it works?

Because I have done this for a year with coach and mentor, Matthew Kimberley. Each week, he emailed with three questions and each week, I replied with my answers. 

I loved being prompted to think about next week’s priorities; it has become a sacred end-of-week ritual. 

I’m also a teacher’s pet so I loved the chance to proudly show my work and know I’d get a cheer back (or some advice when I needed it).

Inversely, I despised offering excuses as to why I didn’t move forward on my plans; excuses that seem to get lamer as I typed.

It not only made me more productive in terms of my priorities but reporting back to a real person pulled me out of my own bubble. Each week, I acknowledged the work I did  and the progress I made.

I KNEW this would be an incredibly powerful mechanism for copywriters and over our time together, Matthew and I got to chatting… which led to us collaborating on this version: 

Project 52.

Project 52 is your lifeline in the sea of distractions, procrastination, and that ever-present 'squirrel brain.'

It’s ME as your weekly bolt of accountability and actionable inspiration. 

I’m here to help you turn those “unexpected things popping up” and those hours lost to “scrolling IG for ‘just 5 more minutes'” into steady, undeniable progress.

And each week, I’ll be eagerly waiting to hear from you.

With Project 52, you’ll break the cycle of getting sidetracked and start striding confidently toward your goals, for less than $20 a week.

Project 52

stay accountable. get sh*t done.


Most impactful. Perfect if you want to build long-term habits.


90 day focus. Perfect if you have a specific, short-term goals

When you invest for 52 weeks of progress, you'll get a 30 minutes strategy session (1:1) with me (valued at $225). We'll aligned your goals and narrow your focus to make sure our 52 weeks together Makes. A. Difference.
Mastercard, visa and paypal logos.

All payments are in USD (US dollars). 


Yes, I do! And even better than that, I’ll actually respond to your questions.

I will have a cap on the number of people who can join Project 52 as I have a limited amount of time to reply to every email.

Three questions, yes, but I’ll also tell you a little story to inspire you, provoke you and maybe even make you laugh.

Project 52 is about accountability and while I will offer you some advice along the way, if you’d like to go deeper you’ll want to book a 1:1 session with me.

You could also apply for my CEO Catalyst Mastermind, which is a small group of copywriters, working closely with me to spark the next iteration of their business.

You’ll get an email from me right away, confirming you’ve joined then one more email explaining how it will work. Then, you’ll hear from me next Friday – and the Friday after that … and every Friday for a total of 52 weeks.

The first email goes out on Friday Jan 05!

You can cancel at any time by sending an email to support@copywritematters.com and you won’t get another email. But since you’ve already paid for it, it makes no sense to cancel. 

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Let us know if you see any missing content, weird bugs, or just have general feedback about the new site design!