Two words you need to make time to say (a lot)

Thank you for your time for appreciation? small works that give big futures.

When I was a kid, my mum made me write thank you letters to all the relatives who sent me birthday presents. I hated the task. Seriously. I would choose to go to the dentist before I’d sit down voluntarily and write a few lines of thanks to my Nan.

Now, of course, I know the pure joy of being on the receiving end of something that used to be considered a minimum standard of politeness.

But the power of thank you goes so much deeper.

The world has changed. Technology is always upgrading. You have to keep up. You have to get ahead. It can all seem like a bit of a rush, especially when you’re busy. That said, there really is no excuse to run roughshod over courtesies.

Call me old fashioned but I don’t think saying thank you is a quaint social nicety. I think saying thank you is just good manners. But it’s easy to assume appreciation.

It’s easy to think that because you have a social media presence and you’re engaging with your customers and peers that you’re doing enough. I mean, there are only so many hours in the day – right?

What if I told you that a simple but deliberate thank you could turn a happy customer into a delighted customer who raves about your business to all their friends and family? That’s worth five minutes of your time, isn’t it?

Saying thank you acknowledges the effort made and shows that you are grateful.

Saying thank you says that you realise your client could have chosen someone else.

Saying thank you helps you appreciate people and nurture your relationships.

Saying thank you shows that you care about your business.

Saying thank gives your business a real point of difference.

Say thank you, as often as you can

So whether you’re just a fan of good manners or you’re working on your branding, take some time to thank the people who touch your business.

Thank new clients for the opportunity to submit a proposal.

Thank them again if they accept your quote.

Thank customers who buy your products.

Thank your team when they put in extra hours to meet important deadlines.

Thank customers who download your ebook.

Thank clients who pay on time.

Thank people for commenting on your blog.

Thank people for recommending your services.

Thank people who give you advice.

Thank people who share your content.

I would like to thank…

Every single business owner who trusts Copywrite Matters with the voice of their business.

Other copywriters who support and cheer and listen to me.

Every person who makes time to read this blog.

Every subscriber who never misses a Daily Draft.

Every person who generously shares my content online.

The clever people who help me keep Copywrite Matters ticking over [Kirsty @ Interim Business Solutions, Zoe @ Get Heard]

I thank you all for keeping me in business, in good humour and inspired.

Are there some people you should thank?


11 Responses

  1. A lovely post Belinda and “Thank You” for including me in your clever list of people! You’re a pleasure to work with and that’s an important element I look for in the people I do business with. It has to be enjoyable and if it’s enjoyable…saying ‘thank you’ is easy. So thank you for allowing me to be part of your business world. 🙂

  2. I know I sound like a broken record… but another fantastic post which had me nodding in agreement the whole way through. And thank your for the very kind inclusion… chatting with such a like-minded person is always a pleasure 🙂 

  3. Thank you for the “thank you”… it’s too early in the day for me to add anything else witty but I may come back later 🙂

  4. I agree Belinda. In this digital age it’s all too easy to forget the simple things.

    I’m personally a fan of handwritten postcards. I send one to anyone who recommends me (regardless of whether that person become a client or not) as well as for other bits and pieces along the way. I’ve always received great feedback as it appears these days it’s unusual for people to sit down and actually hand write something!

    I remember one instance in particular. A surveyor in the UK, who I’ve been chatting with on Twitter pretty much since I started using it, who recommended me to another UK surveyor. I was determined to send him a thank you although it was difficult to find his address. I eventually found where he worked via LinkedIn and sent him the card – he was over the moon with it, particularly since I’d clearly had to make an effort in order to do so.

    If I really can’t find an address (some people just don’t want to be found – lol) I always send a thank you email.

    Thank you Belinda, for another great post!

    1. Thanks for leaving such a great comment Bridie! 

      I absolutely agree that taking a few moments to personally write your thanks makes it very special. I prefer it to be a surprise but sometimes I don’t have my clients postal address so I have to ask. Rather than ruining the surprise I find it creates a little bit of intrigue and excitement, which is always nice! 

  5. Belinda,

    I’ve always been a firm believer in common courteous and manners. Although, my manners weren’t as forcibly instilled as yours 🙂

    I can’t recount the number of times people have forgotten the most simple of courteous gestures – the Thank You.

    Great post – hopefully some of the ruder members of the online community stumble upon it.

    1. Thanks Trent. I’ve made my mum out to be quite the tirant haven’t it?! Those simple gestures don’t cost us anything and I think they keep the wheels of human interaction turning smoothly. I’m always a little taken aback to get emails without so much as a greeting. But email etiquette is a whole other blog! Thanks again for commenting.

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