Some surprising things you (probably) don’t know about me

A collage of photos of a woman wearing a hat.

Hey there,

I thought I’d take a break from regular programming on The Copy Detective to introduce myself a little more intimately. You may know me from a while back but if you’re new around here, Welcome!

These are some things that you (probably) won’t know about me and that you might find interesting. Or not!


  • My nickname is Bill and has been since I was 14.Belinda Weaver - copywriting courses, coaching and consulting
  • My hair is naturally red.
  • During high school, I tap danced my way to teaching qualifications. I thought it would be a good back up career.
  • I’ve never had to rely on those tap dancing qualifications [thank god].
  • I have a frustrating and uncontrollable blush response.
  • I’m always surprised when people remember who I am [which makes me blush]
  • I’m super impressed when people remember my name [which makes me blush]
  • I am quite a show pony but I don’t like being the centre of attention [it makes me blush]
  • I don’t like being caught unawares [it makes me blush]
  • I am trying to get better at remembering people’s names using key facts about them. Unfortunately that kinda makes me look stalker-ish.
  • I remember all words to the brownie-guides song I learnt when I was 10.
  • I am getting quite good at yoga. Even if I do say so myself.
  • I have never broken a bone nor do I have any allergies.
  • I used to go to Johnny Young’s Talent School and perform in Brisbane’s Queen St Mall during school holidays *jazzhands*.
  • I have two [much] older brothers although they moved out when I was little so I have the selfishness of an only child.
  • My first concert was The Village People [expo 88] and I bloody loved it.
  • I am obsessed with all things Japanese.
  • I have several tattoos and some of them are quite big.
  • I just started wearing a watch after about 15 years without one.
  • I used to be a cat person until I owned a dog.
  • People think I’m brave and adventurous but I think they are completely relative terms.
  • I have a BA in Information Technology and I started my career programming software at a bank.
  • I am a completely hopeless romantic. Utterly hopeless.
  • I look for something positive in every situation [my husband calls it the PollyAnna syndrome].
  • I am very tactile and gesticulate quite madly when I talk, even when you can’t see me.
  • I’m quite (very) clumsy (see above).
  • When I walk around with my headphones in I imagine that I’m in my own music video.
  • I used to consume books at an extraordinary rate (until I had a kid!) and love rereading my favourites over and over again.
  • I lived in England for four years. I loved every minute of it but I was still happy to come home to Australia.
  • I’m currently living in California although, like England, it’s not permanent.
  • I’ll usually choose savoury over sweet. Usually.
  • I think of my favourite foods in terms of the texture they have. I love crunchy things.
  • I swear. A lot. But mostly privately.
  • The more excited I get, the louder I talk [which can make the swearing all the more inappropriate]
  • I am a terrible gardener [I kill with love] but I’m working on it.
  • I could watch Doctor Who over and over again. And then again. And again.
  • I am a self-confessed dork. And proud of it.
  • I am trying to overcome my fear of spiders so I don’t pass that fear onto my mini-Weaver. Thankfully, California does not have the spider population that Australia does.
  • I am definitely a gin and tonic girl. And a beer girl. I also love a nice mojito. [I’ll stop there before I look like an alchie].
  • I am very loyal to the people I love and I love people easily.
  • I tap my keyboard really hard and I don’t really know why. It’s clearly not necessary.
  • I am really proud of the work I do.
  • I just can’t seem to tick along at medium pace. I’m always putting more on my plate to see if I can do it.

Are we friends now?

I’d love to know some surprising things about you. Let’s get comfy and share!

The Copy Detective — Belinda

8 Responses

  1. I’m not a Dr Who girl, not good at jazzhands and I’m a sweet tooth, but I’m also a keyboard banger. 🙂 I’m also a devoted Boy George and Culture Club fan – I’ve stalked him since I was 8, and randomly met him on my 21st while wearing my Boy George badges and watch, which (understandably) freaked him out. I’m also a genuine sufferer of shiny object syndrome so forever on a treadmill and rarely get my shit sorted. So love this post!

  2. Hmm, I’ve not been asked this before but here goes.

    My earliest memory was my mum changing my nappy during a blackout. The next-door neighbour was holding a torch so my mum could see what she was doing. No disposables in those days so pin-pricking was a real thing. I have no idea how old I was but I must have been young to be wearing nappies.

    I’m left-handed at writing but right-handed at everything else.

    I’m introverted to the point that I seem snobby but I’m also very shy (people often disagree with that but I am).

    I do a lot of overthinking and often end up being confused with what people want. Similar to the main character in “Offspring “.

    I dreamed of being a motor mechanic when I left school but in the last two weeks of school I decided to be a signwriter. I did my apprenticeship and qualified but turned to IT because the money was better.

    When I was 16 I crashed into a cyclist coming in the opposite direction of me because we were both staring at the same girl.

    When I was a child I could never understand why adults didn’t eat lollies all the time when they had the money to buy them.

    I love working out how to fix things. Put me in front of anything that’s broken and don’t even try to disturb me.

    My three children are 26, 24 and one year old.

    I once represented myself in a four-day court case and won against an experienced solicitor, without having any legal experience.

    My one year-old daughter amazes me with everything she knows. It’s like she’s lived before.

    Someone once told me I write with clarity, which is why I’m here.

  3. I had to think about this one too. Is there anything that surprising about me? My belly dance life is certainly no secret – my belly is plastered all over the internet. But there are a few things…

    When I was born we lived on a bush property with only solar power and no phones. We could only watch 1 hour of TV a day so it was the news and Dr Who. My sisters did school by correspondence until my parents decided it was time to go back to civilisation when I was 3. My sister had her first day of school at 11!

    I think this is why some people think I’m a hippy (whatever that means anyway). People also often think I’m a bit of a scatter brain (which I am sometimes) but what they don’t realise is that I also have a very logical side too. I am Gemini after all!

    I’m also a recent G&T convert 🙂

  4. I loved all the details…

    I have a thing with fonts. I write better and faster when the fonts looks good as I am writing.

    I ask questions out of blue. For example, after talking for 2 hours on career, I might ask what you ate yesterday???

    Weird, yeah. People call me that all the time.

    First time here and this is the first post I read about you from you. I think I am hooked.

    Stay Awesome.

    1. Well, a big welcome to you Rohan!

      If you love details you are going to love today’s Hot Copy podcast (the copywriting podcast I do). We get down and talk about formatting for nearly an hour! I certainly get slowed down with a terrible font and simply cannot read text when the font differ too much (the horror!).

      I hope you enjoy The Copy Detective. It’s great to have you here.

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