How To Write A Simple Video Marketing Script That SELLS

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

Marketing Videos for Business

Has your website got a marketing video yet? Do you welcome your visitors with a visual summary of who are and what you offer them, or do you have quick how-to about your products? Marketing videos are a fantastic way to create original and shareable content and right now, they are ranked really well by search engines. But more than the SEO benefits, a good marketing video will help you to engage with potential customers that don’t want to read all about you.

So how do you write a marketing video script that says everything you need it to in less than 2 minutes? This is how ….

Talk To One Person.  Don’t think about “the internet”. Just imagine that you are talking to a single person. Visualise that person really clearly before you start writing your video script and write as if you are talking just to them.

Think About Your Key Messages. Your scripts hasn’t got long to show off your best side so you need to cut the fat and make sure you:

    • Recognise a problem your customers have and be the solution to that problem
    • Show your uniqueness (against your competitors)
    • Include an action like visiting your website or coming in store

Be Yourself. Authenticity is the key so being genuine is more important than a flawless delivery.

Speak Slowly and Time It. It’s tempting to speak quickly to get in more information (or because you’re nervous) but you need to speak slowly and clearly if you want to be understood. Speak a bit slower than you feel is natural and you’re probably about right.

You’ll probably find your script runs too long but that will just make you think about what you REALLY want your audience to know.

Practise Practise Practise Your Script. And then practise your script some more. Your first couple of marketing videos might be a bit rubbish but don’t be deterred. You will get better and you’ll be engaging with more potential, on more levels, on more platforms.

When you actually hit record, don’t forget to Breathe and Smile! 

Remember that your video needs stick to the topics that will be of most importance to the watcher and your script will help keep you focused. So go back over your video script and ask yourself: have you identified a problem? Have you explained how you solve it? Have you said how you are unique? Is there any action at the end? 

So now it’s your turn. Have you written your own video script and if you have, what tips can you add to the list? Do you think a video script is even needed? Let me know what you think!

The Copy Detective

PS Thanks to The Full Noise, Adam Bean, Mirror Professional Development for their extra tips on Facebook!

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9 Responses

  1. Great tips.  Thanks for sharing.  Not many people know how to prepare a video, nor how to use one.  One day, I’ll get around to digging out those old video scripts and actually recording!

  2. Yup. I took this advice and made my first video last week. It took time to dial in two things: lighting and where to look. At first, it was strange eyeing the little camera on my computer but eventually it took on the persona of my audience and I got more comfortable. I paid my 17 year old in gas money to edit. (Those teens come in very handy for tech assistance!)

    1. Hi Carrie, thanks for commenting. Thinking of your audience being right in front of you is a great way to get that “chatty” feel but it’s much harder in practise! I love your idea of letting the camera take on the persona of your audience. It’s a mindset but it pays off!

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